Surprise on the High Seas! Shark Pukes Up Spiky Land Animal

Imagine you're a scientist studying sharks in Australia. It's a normal day, tagging sharks for research. Suddenly, the shark you're examining throws up something very unexpected – a prickly land animal called an echidna!

This is exactly what happened to a team of researchers from James Cook University in May 2022. They were near Orpheus Island, tagging sharks, when one of the sharks did something truly bizarre. It threw up a whole echidna!

Echidnas are spiky egg-laying mammals that look a bit like hedgehogs. They live on land and eat insects, not exactly something a shark would find tasty. The researchers believe this is the first time anyone has ever seen a tiger shark eat an echidna.

"We were shocked!" said shark researcher Nicolas Lubitz. "The shark spat out this thing, and I had no idea what it was." He managed to snap one quick picture that showed the outline of the echidna in the water.

Tiger sharks are known for being messy eaters. They'll gobble up anything they find, including seabirds, tires, license plates, and even a small TV! Dr. Lubitz even saw a video of a tiger shark chomping on a rock for no reason!

Throwing up food isn't as common for tiger sharks, though. Dr. Lubitz thinks this particular shark bit off more than it could chew (or swallow!) with the spiky echidna.

"The echidna was completely whole, with all its spines and legs," Dr. Lubitz said. "I guess the shark just didn't like the taste!"

Luckily, the encounter didn't hurt the shark. The scientists finished tagging it with a tracking device to learn more about where it swims, and then let it go back into the ocean.

This strange event is a reminder of the wonders of the natural world. There's still so much to learn about the amazing creatures that share our planet, both in the sea and on land!


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